Advance 360 Interactive Workshop in the books

What a whirl wind the last three days have been.  Now that I think about it I can’t believe that April 2020 is over and we’re now in May and the state has reopened.  I don’t want to get into the politics of if it’s right or not, for me I’m going to continue being safe by distancing my self when I go out to work and also sanitizing all of my equipment.  It’s a whole new world out there.  We’ve resumed operations and following what Texas and Hidalgo county have mandated.  I rather be part of the solution than part of the whole Covid-19 problem.

Now having said that I spent almost a month in one class or another and it all just all came together with the whole Advance 360 With Pete Vargas leading the charge.  The class was good, I learned a lot and it gave me a lot of ideas for opening up another division.  Now the hardest part is starting to narrow all the ideas down, talk about information overload.  I had never even thought about teaching classes online or even doing some sort of podcast.  I’ve helped other small businesses start formulating their social media ideas and helping craft their voices but never considered doing it as a service so that’s why I took the class.  So the upshot is we’re opening up a social media division to help local businesses craft their messages online and help themselves get online quickly and with in a reasonable budget.  I’ve been doing in some capacity over the last few years, but this time I’d like to make it official.

Over all the messages were clear.  Find a coach, set a destination and stick to the course no matter what.  All stuff that we know but do we have the will power to actually do it.  I think so many of us fall into the trap of “What story do I have to tell, or my business has always done it like this, etc” yeah the world was rebooted just a few weeks ago and from the looks of things I don’t think virtual meetings are going away anytime soon.  I have two zoom meetings scheduled this next week for a senior portrait session and a local doctor looking to do some messages online.

Even this blog or what ever you want to call it has changed as I was to keep things light.  I don’t want it to turn into “here’s the last session” or if you don’t use this service your business will suffer.  I think there’ more than enough of that online.  I want to do something that’s a lot more positive and feature people and projects that I’ve had the honor of being part of.