Criticism in Photography (or anywhere else)

Talking a little bit about what we’ve been up to and also answering a question about how to deal with criticism. Believe it or not Photography comes with critics. Ha ha

Anytime you go on to the internet and put yourself out there they’ll be watching.  CRTICS.  Don’t worry about it.  As we tell our young kids, not everyone is going to like you.  Just worry about you and find your own way.  I’m sure there’s hundreds if not thousands of methods that keep people going but I use a few and I present them in our Tuesday video.

Again this is just a fun little project to keep me entertained and connect with those that are out there.  It’s been fun and if you have a comment or a question you’d like to see answered shoot me a line.  This is meant to be fun.  Hope to hear form you soon.
