Life During COVID-19 Outbreak

I just thought I’d stop in and say hello to see what everyone’s been up to.  I’m still working but for now it’s been mostly video work helping small business get their social media presence solidified during this whole COVID-19 outbreak.  I’m going to start blending a bit more of video into everything that I’ve been doing ONLY because I think most people aren’t going to want to sit here and read this.

Key take ways during the outbreak downtime.  Not a whole lot going on.  As a few of you know I was a news photographer / videographer for KGBT (Our local CBS affiliate for our out of town friends) so I’ve been producing a lot of social media content and on occasion aiding essential business with their videos.  Don’t worry I’m being safe.   The part that I’m still getting used to is having to clean all the gear piece by piece. I’ve always kept all the equipment clean but now it REALLY counts.

Life has really changed.  If you told me just a few weeks ago that I would be using my camera to go to teleconferences I never would have believed you.  I’ve had two Mac laptops in the last 11 years and NOT ONCE did I ever use the web camera built into it.  In the last few days I’ve had a total of 12 zoom conferences ranging from understanding the government programs aimed at small business to local chambers doing online mixers.  Props to NHPO, Mission Chamber, and McAllen Chamber for making that happen.  And from the sound of things looks like a lot more of our clients will be requesting virtual meetings.  Which is fine, it’s just not the way I thought we’d be conducting business haha.

That’s about it for now.  Like I said I didn’t want to write a whole lot or get too philosophical about the whole pandemic.  I just really wanted to make an effort to connect with more of our clients and friends during this time.  It’s not always about selling, so if you have any questions about ANYTHING or have questions on your camera shoot me a line.  It’s not like I’m going anywhere.

Stay blessed.