Roma Texas Texas Commercial Videography


Summer Days

Well the summer has come and gone.  We made your yearly return to the promised land…Disney World and then came right back to the first day of school here in Mission.  I’m not sure if you remember what happened the last time…we were only supposed to be gone 5 days tops…and after two hurricanes we were at Disney world for a total of 12 days!

The kicker was Southwest couldn’t get us back home so were we stranded in San Antonio.  So having said that I’ll never complain about air travel EVER again.

I’ll probably write a bit more on why I enjoy going to Disney World (beyond the attractions and the shows) in a another post.  I’ve been reading a lot about the life he lead and what kind of person he was all the way to the very end.  I kinda feel like he was someone I would have love to have met and maybe even had as a mentor.  He wasn’t perfect but what tenacity to keep going the way he did.


 Walt Disney World

On The Road Again

Anyways the “Meals on Wheels” video project has begun and I was looking forward to this one.    It’s our first day back at the office and we’ve spent most of it cataloguing the Summer Meals raw video story. This story is going to be awesome!

McAllen Commercial Photographer

We spent a day out in Roma Texas following the story of the bus drivers and the kids that they serve on their routes. The kids genuinely like them and the drivers and the cafeteria team do take the time to get to know them and encourage them.

It’s nice seeing / hearing a story from the border region that isn’t focused on politics or how one side is better than the other.