Struggling with your photography?

Ask me anything! Are you struggling with your photography? I think we’ve all been there starting a new hobby even trying to figure out a new job. Shoot me an email or better yet send me a direct message.

I would love to come back and start helping answer some of the questions that are floating in.

When I started this in 2011 I had no idea where I’d end up.  I’ve made a ton of mistakes along the way in both business and in taking portraits but life’s a journey.  If you had all the answers would life REALLY be that much more interesting?

I can safely say that I had so many “ah ha” moments along the way that I had to figure out on my own but if I had someone locally or with in an ear shot of social media it would have made things SO much easier.  Flash forward to 2020, I’m still learning and during this downtime I was trying to figure out how to go live and learn about live streaming.  All things that have been around for a LONG TIME (or at least for me) but I’m just barely getting around to it.

Anyways give the video a click and if you have a comment or questions send it my way.