Sunday Photography Update: Website down! Well for a while

Lessons learned with in the last 24 hours.

1.) when working with websites BACK UP YOUR WORDPRESS

2.) read the documentation…even if it’s 120 pages. I’m spending the evening repairing as i cratered the thing at about 2:00am. It’s slowly coming back to life but WHAT A PAIN.

In my other life I was a web designer and while things have improved (I’ve designed websites since 1997) they have become more and more complicated.  I guess you can still do the whole HTML thing but I still say wordpress is the way to go.

What does this have to do with photography?  Nothing.  Just kinda of a mini rant here on a Sunday evening.

McAllen Photography Workshop

Photography Workshop – Photo Credit:  Dustin Meyer

In other news, I had a chance to go back up to Austin and help out with a pair of photography workshops and I feel like teaching again.  If anyone’s interested in something specific drop me a line.  Let’s talk about what you’d like to learn and maybe we can come up with a game plan.

