Thank You McAllen

I’ve sat here about 20 minutes trying to describe this project.

When this whole Covid-19 thing started shutting down businesses here in the McAllen area I fell right in with the rest of the businesses owners.  I saw my clients begin pulling back one by one and saw how when they closed their doors families were impacted with them.  With every team member laid off, families began asking for answers that leaders weren’t able to give.

I won’t lie, as much as I lean on the Lord I was worried (I’m human) but I wanted to do something that could help businesses talk about what the public’s support meant to them.  That for every dollar that was given to them, it went to keeping their restaurants going and their families sheltered for another day.  Of all the people interviewed in this video none of them were talking about how much money they were making.  In fact one of them has been feeding first responders and their families from their restaurants meager profits.

These are the faces of entrepreneurs fighting to keep going and a reminder of what your support means to them.  I feel blessed to have been part of this project and want to thank Angela Mills for making this happen.