Welcome to a new year!

Happy New Year Folks!

If you can believe it we made it thought another holiday season and this time with out any major world pandemics or the state of Texas Freezing over.   Well as always I’ve been busy mostly covering corporate events and headshots though the season and no preparing for the new year.  New year!  New You!  You’ve heard it time and time again but who really subscribes to that?  I’ve never been the type of person to set resolutions because honestly I know the way I am and how they’ll end up.  My on going joke is just STAY ALIVE, that’s the goal for the day.
But seriously I am blessed and have a job that gives me the Opportunity to meet new people and serve lots for friends and families.  If you can believe it this year and this day TODAY!  January 1st marks the 23 year year that I have been an entrepreneur, the last time I worked for some one was KGBT back in the late 90s.  It’s been a lot of fun being able to work on my own but the most rewarding part is being part of people’s lives and projects and having the ability to reflect on that.  Sometimes we get so busy that we forget that time is passing by and once it’s gone it’s GONE.  There are no time machines and you can make all the money in the world but you can’t make more time…so enjoy the ride.
So what does this have to do with commercial photography or anything in the Rio Grande Valley?  Nothing, just my two cents.  Just one person’s opinions on life and I felt it in my heart to post about it.  If one person gets something out of this, then my work is done.  I honestly wish someone would have stopped and pointed that out to me, be careful what you spend your time on.    Makes me think of that old song from Bad Luhrmann – Wear Sun Screen.  As I get older the lyrics ring truer and truer.  Take a listen.